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BELLROCK SPECIALTY PTY LTD [ ABOUT US ] ACN 123 213 207 AFSL 310 545 [ V1.01 25/11/2024 ]

Why the name Bellrock?

There is a reef, virtually submerged, 11 miles off the east coast of Scotland which has been a ships graveyard for centuries. In the 1400’s (before lighthouses were invented) a bell was erected on the rock to hopefully warn of disaster. Thus the name Bellrock. The bell was washed away after two years.
In 1790, a brilliant young Engineer, Robert Stevenson (grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson), designed a lighthouse, incorporating innovative new methods. There was uproar at the time because the conservative folk thought it was a risk to engage (unproven) creative building methods, however Robert Stevenson argued that his design had to be creative in order for the lighthouse to stand the test of time. Bellrock Lighthouse still shines its warning to sailors – and is the oldest seafaring lighthouse in the world today.
The Bellrock Specialty story encompasses the vision for Bellrock Specialty:
- Disaster Protection – Protecting risk
- Creative Thinking – Which was required to stand the test of time. The lighthouse may not be still standing if existing ‘safe’ methods of the 1790’s were used;
- Bell – The bell is synonymous with Insurance. The Lutine bell (recovered from ‘The Lutine’ shipwreck in 1858) is installed in the Lloyds of London building.
The bell is rung when a large loss occurs – a call to arms.
- Rock – Rock Solid
The Company Name
"A company name should mean something and reflect what the company is about".
Stephen McCarthy
Managing Director – Bellrock Specialty Pty Limited

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